A physical examination is a preliminary to joining the army. 体格检查是参军的初步。
His main concern? Missing clues because of the lack of a physical examination. 他主要是担心由于对身体检查不足,远程治疗可能会遗漏一些线索。
Applicant: I just had a complete physical examination and I am in top condition. 我刚做了一次全面的体检,身体状况很好。
Physical examination will detect evidence of atelectasis or pneumonia within the chest. 体格检查可发现胸部有肺不张和肺炎。
Medical treatment included asking and physical examination, decontamination of contaminated skins and combined therapies. 医学处理包括问诊与体检、污染部位皮肤的去污洗消及综合治疗等;
Accurate diagnosis and management requires a thorough history, physical examination, and, when indicated, laboratory tests. 作出准确诊断需要彻底了解病史、进行体格检查,必要时进行实验室化验。
Physical examination: Examination focuses on overall appearance and signs of dehydration, growth parameters, and abdominal findings; 体检:体检重点是总外表和脱水、生长发育、腹部检查症状等。
A Research on Application and Development of Digital X-Ray Image System Used in Physical Examination 探讨X线数字化影像系统在体检中的应用与发展
The test, developed in the study by the researchers, is a14-point index combining medical history, cognitive testing, and physical examination. 研究人员在该研究中开发的这项测试结合了疾病史、认知测试和身体检查,是一个总分为14分的测试指数。
They may be felt on physical examination as a pulsatile mass in the abdomen. 体格检查可在腹部查到搏动的肿块。
We took a rest after landing, and later we had a physical examination. 着陆后我们休息了一会儿,然后我们做了体检。
A thorough history and a careful physical examination are important in the diagnosis and treatment of swallowing disorders. 周详的病史和仔细的体检对于诊断和治疗吞咽障碍十分重要。
Study on the experimental teaching reform of physical examination in diagnostics 《诊断学基础》中体格检查实验教学改革探讨
Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures are obtained following the interview and physical examination. 实验室检测和诊断操作是在医生对病人面诊和体检之后进行的。
Significance of Occupational Physical Examination in The Protection of Workers and Enterprise Management 职业健康检查对保护劳动者和企业管理的重要意义
Last week, I had my first physical examination in this year. 上周,我做了今年的第一次体检。(对身体的考试&体检。)
Regularly carries on the comprehensive physical examination and the dentistry examines. 定期进行全面体检和牙科检查。
Recognize that the chief complaint is the starting point for the focused history and physical examination? 认识到主诉是着重病史和身体检查的起点?
This enlarged uterus was no doubt palpable on physical examination. 在检查中可触及增大的子宫。
Careful physical examination of the heart provides important information about the cardiovascular system. 仔细的心脏物理检查可以提供心脏的重要信息。
Results All the subjects complete the physical examination according to the requirement. 结果全部受试者均按要求完成检查。
There are no pathognomonic signs from the physical examination which are specifically related to vasovagal syncope. 体格检查没有发现与血管迷走神经性晕厥相关的特异体征。
The physical examination should include the neck, mouth, oropharynx and larynx, and a neurologic examination should also be performed. 体检应该包括颈,口,口咽和喉的检查和一个神经学检查。
This is to certify that the bearer's Physical Examination Record for Foreigner accord with the requirement. 兹证明上列人员所持外国人体格检查记录,经过验证,符合要求。
I was accompanied by my mother to the hospital for a physical examination. 我由母亲陪着去医院做了体检。
Physical examination to be completed by the examining physician. 体格检查,由检验医生完成本报告。
Physical examination showed the patients had polyneuropathy, positive hypotension and emaciation. 体格检查提示为严重的感觉运动神经病、体位性低血压和消瘦。
And, I think of the address knowing I send physical examination result by post. 并且我想知道我邮寄体检结果的地址。
The diagnosis of malnutrition is based on results of the medical and diet history, physical examination, and selected laboratory tests. 应根据病史和饮食史、体检及专门的实验室检查结果对营养不良作出诊断。
They received a physical examination when they entered the study and again for this six-year follow-up. 进入研究后,他们接受一项物理检查及长达6年的随访。